During processes such as steel making, cement manufacture, chemical processing, incineration e.g. hot gases are created that cannot be released into the atmosphere can go to downstream process before they have been cooled to a certain temperature.
One way of doing this is to spray a finely atomized liquid into the gas stream to reduce its temperature. The liquid is usually introduced into a gas cooling tower or a section of duct work, similar to the ones shown in the diagram below. Depending upon the flow rates, droplet size and chamber size this can be done with single or multiple nozzles.
Delavan has software which can determine the required flow rate and maximum allowable droplet size required for complete evaporation. Depending upon process parameters allowing us to size the nozzles depending upon the outcome. The nozzles are usually installed at the end of a lance to position them as required in the duct work or tower. Sprays can either be mounted to spray with or against the gas flow, depending upon the application.
We have many varieties of spray nozzles and lanes to suit a multitude of applications;
2 Fluid nozzles designed and based on Aerospace technology
Available in 3 variations – Inline – Concentric – Right angle
Air consumption and power requirements are low.
Excellent atomisation over wide range of turn down ratios.
Large fluid passages to accommodate large particles.
Spray angle variations changed via nozzle caps.
Temperature/Chemical resistant material avaliable depending upon the application
Lances with barrier air also avaliable
If you are interested and would like more information please contact the Delavan sales team.